Weight recipe

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This function allows to weight a formula using an attached electronic scale. For this purpose the original recipe is automatically converted to grams from the original unit when this function is activated.


During the weighting process it is possible to modify some tolerance parameters. these parameters are available immediately above the column of the weighted fields. Setting these parameters allows the software to flag each weight according to the target.


1 - The minimum tolerance in percentage. This is the minimum weight below the target quantity to achieve.

2 - The absolute minimum weighable quantity. It is usually related to the precision of the electronic scale.

3 - The maximum tolerance in percentage. This is the maximum amount that can be added to the target quantity.


Each weighted field will display a thin color bar (below the numeric value) identifying the status of the weighting process. Different colors have different meanings:


YELLOW - The weighted quantity is out of tolerance and lower than the target. Additional component must be added.


GREEN - The weighted quantity is within tolerance. No further action required.


RED - The weighted quantity is out of tolerance and higher than the target (see example below). It is possible to use the resize button to recalculate the quantities based on the largest (%) weighted component.


The function allows to insert for each component the scale weight. Minimum and maximum limits (as defined by the tolerance settings) are clearly displayed next to each weight field. All the values are updated in real time following the data received from the scale. The current weight/target ratio can be visualized in both percentage (%) and absolute weight (g).




The scale output is displayed with a BLACK background on the selected component weighted quantity.

If any error occurs during communication or interfacing with the scale, the background will become RED and an appropriate error warning will be displayed in the selected field.





kstep1Buttons are available for specific operations:


radio %

Weight/target ratio displayed in percentage.

radio g

Weight/target ratio displayed in grams.


This button resets all the recipe entries. The weighting function by default displays the current formula content.


This button recalculated all the recipe quantities based on the largest weighted component. It is a useful function to readjust a recipe if, for example, a component has been over-weighted.


Move the scale target to the next component above. It is possible at any time to assign the scale output to a particular component double-clicking on its target quantity or using the UP and DOWN arrow key. The target quantity actually selected is displayed against a BLACK background.


Tare (zero) the scale. A tare is automatically performed each time the scale output is assigned to a component both using the moving buttons or double-clicking the target quantity. This tare does not affect the scale display, it only affects the function internal weight calculation.


Move the scale target to the next component below.. It is possible at any time to assign the scale output to a particular component double-clicking on its target quantity or using the UP and DOWN arrow key.The target quantity actually selected is displayed against a BLACK background.


This button quits the weighting function and gives back control to the calling application.